Comment Policy

 Hey there friend, welcome to  Limitless entertainment.

We’re very glad you’re here and can’t wait to see what you’ve got to say about the content marketing strategies, principles, and practices we write about each week.

If you need to learn more about content marketing, so that you can contribute to the conversation, start here:  Limitless entertainment

The comment section of each blog post stays open for two weeks after the post’s publication date. After that, comments are closed.

Before you add your contribution in the comment section of our living room home on the web, please take a moment to look over the helpful guidelines below.

How to comment on  Limitless entertainment

We welcome thoughtful and civilized discussion. The Copyblogger editorial team reserves the right to edit or delete comments as we see fit, without explanation.

Here’s what your comment should look like:

  • Use your real first name and email address in the comment form
  • Add smart, relevant ideas that expand on an article’s premise — read the article before you comment
  • Drop funny references or jokes that carry the conversation forward
  • Offer useful, constructive (not stupid or ugly) criticism
  • Any combination of the above

Certain comments may not be posted or may be deleted after they are posted.

Here are some examples (not comprehensive, but you’ll get the idea) of types of comments that’ll ensure your failure to communicate, at least on  Limitless entertainment:

  • You don’t use your real first name or email address
  • There are keywords and/or your business name in the name field of the comment form
  • Comments that demonstrate you didn’t read, watch, or listen to the content
  • Comments that simply restate or repeat information from the article and don’t carry the conversation forward
  • Off-topic personal or professional rants
  • Threats to us or other visitors
  • Any form of defamation
  • Racist or obscene nastiness
  • Violation of anyone’s copyright, trademark, etc.
  • Promotions about and/or links back to your product, service, or latest venture

Don’t contribute spam

If you’d like your comment to appear on  Limitless entertainment, be respectful of our community and think before you post.

Here are additional comment guidelines:

  • All rights reserved: For any comment, we reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark it as spam. We also reserve the right to block any IP address that violates this comment policy from commenting, subscribing, or accessing  Limitless entertainment.
  • Links: If you must include a link in your comment, please be aware that your comment may not be approved for posting. Be patient. Relevant links that contribute to the conversation need to be approved. Obvious attempts to promote your business, gain backlinks, traffic, or other types of self-promotion are not allowed.
  • Liability: By posting a comment, you agree that your contribution is your own and that you take responsibility for it. You agree to hold Copyblogger, all post authors, and other commenters harmless.
  • Copyright: If we receive authentic notice that a comment is in violation of anyone’s copyrighted information, the comment will be deleted and the commenter may be blocked from posting comments in the future.
  • Spam: Don’t do it. Any comment deemed as spam will be deleted and marked as spam. If you repeatedly post spam, your IP address may be blacklisted from accessing  Limitless entertainment.
  • Gravatar: Wondering how to get your photo next to your comment? Consider signing up for Your comment may be approved faster, too.
  • Privacy: You need to provide an authentic, verified email address to post a comment on Limitless entertainment  and receive comment subscriptions. We will never publish your personal information on the blog. Accordingly, do not share private information within your comment. We will delete phone numbers, email addresses, or any other private or personal information to protect the affected party. This is not the place to exchange contact information with other visitors.
  • Patience: If you follow this comment policy, your comment should be posted. Please be patient while we moderate our conversations to ensure the best experiences for our site visitors

Limitless entertainment is a serious publication of all things WordPress related. We are a resource site that provides quality tips, and tools that you need to enhance your WordPress experience. One of the ways to improve this collective resource is having interaction within the site through the use of comments. In order to assure quality, we must have a policy to fight against SPAM.

While we appreciate each comment, if your comment does not follow our comment policy, it will be removed. Continuous abuse of the policy will result in permanent ban of the IP address, domain, and the email used.


How to get Support for a Problem? – If you have a general question directly regarding the tip, hack, or the tutorial that we posted, please post a comment in the post. If your question is specific regarding your site then you should use our Contact Form. Comment area is not the best place to ask a question that is not related to the post. You should ask the question using our Contact form, or use a Suggestion Page to suggest a tutorial that you would like to see. If your comment contains personal information, or have a personal question specific to the site, we will delete your comment and use your email to contact you regarding the question.

What to Do If Your Comment Does Not Appear – If you leave a comment on this blog and it does not appear in a reasonable time period (1 business day), and you know that it does not violate these Comment Policies, please contact us using the contact for.


Comment Name – We do not allow Keywords stuffed in the name field. You must use your name or nick name for commenting. Comments using keywords such as “Web Design Company” or similar will be flagged as SPAM and deleted.

Valid Email – Email addresses are required for commenting, and they are not published on the blog, nor shared. Email addresses that look like SPAM will be flagged as SPAM.

Language and Manners – This blog is written in English, so leave your comments in English. Limitless entertainment is a “family friendly site” therefore any comment that includes offensive or inappropriate language, and/or considered rude by our editorial staff will be edited or deleted. This is a friendly community, so play it NICE.

Add Value – A comment which does not add to the conversation, runs of on an inappropriate tangent, or kills the conversation may be edited, moved, or deleted. All SPAM comments will be deleted because they do not add value to the site.

Limit Links – We love resources as they can be really helpful sometimes, but in order to prevent SPAM and assure quality, we must limit links on the comments. Do not add more than two links in the comment. If you do so, your comment will be added for further review. DO NOT sign your comments with a backlink to your site. They will be removed.

No Personal Attack Comments Permitted – In the interest of fair play, no personal attacks are permitted in this blog’s comments. You may question or argue the content, but not attack the blogger, nor any other commenters. Failure to respect fellow participants on this blog could result in removal and blocked access.

All Rights Reserved – Limitless entertainment Editorial Staff reserves the right to edit, delete, move, or mark as spam any and all comments. We also have the right to block access to any one or group from commenting or from the entire blog.

Hold Harmless – All comments within Limitless entertainment are the responsibility of the commenter, not the editorial staff of Limitless entertainment. By submitting a comment on our blog, you agree that the comment content is your own, and you agree to hold Limitless entertainment, all subsidiaries of Limitless entertainment, and all representatives of Limitless entertainment harmless from any and all repercussions, damages, or liability.

If you have any questions regarding the policy, you may contact Limitless entertainment staff by using our contact form.

Comment Policy of 'Limitless entertainment.'

We love when you take the time to leave a question or comment and encourage you to do so. We attempt to respond to all comments and questions left on our blog. Please know that we respond to your comments at our discretion and as time permits. And we moderate each and every comment that is left on our blog.

We want people to interact with each other around content published on our site. We welcome discussion, advice, and questions from people all around the world. But we want our site to be a safe and informative place for visitors of all backgrounds and technology levels.

So please take a moment to read our blog comment policy below, and make sure you abide by these guidelines before you leave your comment:

      1. It’s perfectly okay to disagree with any topic posted, but please focus on a helpful and intelligent discussion of the topic. If you don’t agree with the author’s view, feel free to state why. If you find an error or a better solution, please leave that feedback. Trust us, we really do appreciate it!
      2. Respect other people’s views and beliefs. It’s okay if you feel strongly about a topic, but we will remove offensive or threatening comments.
      3. We will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, or other forms of hate-speech, or content that could be interpreted as such.
      4. We will remove any posts that are obviously commercial or otherwise spam-like. Just don’t do it! We want individuals to express their views and will not tolerate commercial entities leaving spammy links or self-promotion.
      5. A link to a site in your comment is fine as long as it adds to the discussion and is not an attempt to drive website traffic to your site.
      6. Libelous or defamatory postings will be deleted, including anything that is copyright infringement.
      7. Anonymous comments are removed if a visitor does not identify himself/herself.
      8. Comments with “fake names” are removed. Similarly, if your name denotes a political or religious affiliation, your comment will be removed.
      9. Would you say it to your mother? If not, don’t press the Publish button!
      10. Keep it relevant. If you leave a comment that is irrelevant to the post topic, your comment will be deleted.
      11. Excessively long comments may be edited. Try to keep your comments short and to the point.
      12. We reserve the right to correct spelling errors. But we will never edit a post in such a way that it changes the meaning intended by the person leaving the comment.

Please contact us if you have any questions on our comment policy. And while we make every effort to provide you error-free content, you may want to review our legal disclaimer, too!

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